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At Lani Textiles by Magic Lao Carpets, we believe that our rugs are more than just floor coverings; they are exquisite works of art. As the only silk carpet producers in Laos, we are proud to have founded a business that is deeply rooted in the traditions of our country. Our team has spent years learning the techniques, designs, and natural dyes that make our rugs so special.

In order to expand our knowledge and skills, we invited a master weaver from Turkmenistan to teach us. By combining Laotian and Turkmenistan weaving traditions, we have created a unique style that sets our rugs apart. With our own plantation and a team of about 40 weavers - 25% of whom have a disability - we are able to produce rugs that are both beautiful and socially responsible.

Each rug is one-of-a-kind and takes a significant amount of time to weave. However, if properly cared for, it can be enjoyed for several generations. We invite you to visit our website to learn more about our business and the exceptional rugs we create.